Foresolutions has been working in partnership with Softools to help CirculOil harness IoT to maximise benefits from live sensor data by combining rapid digital application development to orchestrate and automate business processes triggered by IoT data.

Client Overview & Business Need

CirculOil is a venture innovating for the lubricants industry bringing a quick, green and smart circular cartridge-based solution. It provides not only sustainability but also improves operational up-time of off-highway machines and industrial equipment.
Lubricants are the largest non-aqueous liquid contaminant in the world, 1 gallon of used lubricant can contaminate up to 1 million gallons of clean water. Businesses are being challenged to reduce waste and become more sustainable.
Many countries have imposed regulations and sanctions on waste generation and environmental impact of supply chains. In order to comply with these regulations, businesses need to trace their lubricant waste through their supply chain, often resulting in a need to change their processes and ways of working.
Additionally, to maximise efficiency of their vehicles, plant and machinery businesses don’t have a way of measuring if their current use of lubricants is the optimal, or even if they may be causing long term damage to their assets caused by infrequent lubricant changes. Learn more about CirculOil's solution.


Our Solution - Circular asset tracking and analytics with live IoT data.

CirculOil’s technology delivers lubricant to clients in reusable cartridges which can be quickly replaced when a service is required without lubricant being wasted. All used lubricant is reclaimed, cleaned and recycled so there is minimal waste while maintaining optimal oil change frequency.

A digital application enables customers to request new cartridges and track real time location and lubricant usage. Data is captured using IoT sensors, enabling CirculOil to provide traceability and efficient processes to replace cartridges and minimising machine downtime.

The tracking of this data enables CirculOil to provide assurance to its customers on the waste oil collection and re-use. They can also provide their clients with insights on how to best maintain their assets in order to increase the asset’s lifecycle and boost productivity.


Softools and Foresolutions have helped CirculOil rapidly deliver an IoT connected digital application for customer engagement enabling their market launch. CirculOil have been able to quickly prove their product market fit, secure investment to propel their business to the next stage of growth.

About Softools

Softools is an advanced no-code web Application Platform running on Microsoft Azure in the Cloud - enabling the Digital Transformation (DX) of business processes. Softools apps are immediately secure, can operate on any device from PCs to Smart Phones, integrate with Enterprise Systems, and users can operate offline – anywhere anytime, any place.

If you'd like to see how your business could use an IoT solution, why not have a look at our IoT Accelerator to see how we can assist you with our quick-start proof of concept service?